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Mechanical Testing of Steel Reaches 1200kN with Zwick

On the occasion of last year’s International Forum for Materials Testing, testing machine manufacturer Zwick is presenting its Z1200E model as an expansion of the product line. This significantly increases the nominal load range for spindle-driven testing machines from the previous 600 kN to 1200 kN. The machine was designed to meet the needs for tensile, compression, and bending testing of steel specimens and components.

With a long traverse path for a relatively low overall height, the testing machine allows trouble-free clamping and convenient testing of specimens of diverse lengths. It is further distinguished by its extensive force measurement range (from 2.4 kN in class 1 and from 12 kN in class 0.5 in accordance with ISO 7500), which does not require an alteration or measurement range change-over.

The testing machine has a particularly robust and stable load frame with an electromechanical drive over free-from-play mounted ball screws. The standard machine comes with hydraulic specimen grips equipped with 1200 kN nominal force. The determination of the proof stress requires an accurate extensometer. The incremental macro extensometer meets the stringent requirements.

The extremely high traverse path resolution and position-repeat accuracy guarantees exact testing results and high repeatability. A maintenance-free AC servo drive, very low operating costs, and no consequential costs are further advantages for the user.

As the basis for many national regulations, the standard regulation for tensile tests, ISO 6892, determines the testing methods for the tensile test. There are still slight discrepancies in the specimen shape, the testing speed, and the method for determining the results. With a testXpert® standard testing program however, the user can depend on always using the correct test parameters regardless of whether testing according to ISO, EN or ASTM. With an application program from the new testXpert® testing software, the test becomes simple and reliable.


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